Mature male gay massage

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There is beauty in all of us INSIDE AND OUT. But, additionally, beauty is found in everyone in all shapes, sizes, races, genders, ***uality, and ages. Not to be cliché, but you are much more than how you look.

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I never want any of my clients comparing or devaluing who they are just because they don't fit a self-imposed dream appearance. True, like many masseurs, I find value for myself in maintaining a specific appearance and look, but this is for MY OWN view of MYSELF. You are you just the way you are don’t ever apologize for that. I do not judge anyone coming through my doors as being “less than” just because they done fit society’s superficial expectations and ideals. I’ve had too many come to me apologizing for being “older” or “I’m not in shape” many of them feeling self conscious around me, as if they feel I’m judging them. As a masseur, I have come across too many individuals that are filled with so much self hate and body shame, and it hurts me to see people like this.

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